Fight fraud, reduce chargebacks, win disputes, & lower merchant banking fees!
How can I gain access to the complete library of Chargeback Prevention material on this site?
To become a registered user of ChargebackPrevention.Com and enjoy INSTANT ACCESS to all merchant tutorials & services, simply use the "sign up" button at left or click here!
How much does it cost?
Lifetime membership is only $
. There are no add-on fees nor are there any additional services to purchase.
Do I need any special hardware or software
to use this site?
None at all! If you can read the words on this page, you will be able to read all of the words in all of the members-only sections of the site!
Why doesn't my bank just provide the same information & fraud prevention methods at no charge?
As you've probably realized, merchants endure the majority of any financial loss associated with credit card fraud. Banks tend to be more concerned with proactively reducing their end risk - and thus, they invest greater effort in creating merchant audits and reserve accounts to protect their own interests in advance. The responsibility for reducing chargebacks rests primarily in the hands of the merchant who accepts credit cards. When it comes to bank fees & processing rates, there is simply no direct incentive for merchant account and credit card processing banks to teach their merchants how negotiable the associated costs really are. Besides: Think of how much revenue the processing agents would lose if all those $10-$25 chargeback fees vanished!