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If you've successfully curtailed an attempted fraud, add a note to's fraud suspect database! This members-only area enables users to store information about specific fraudulent names and account numbers that have been used in attempts to make purchases online. Other users benefit by comparing their own suspicious sales records with the information recorded in our database. If you're already a member, please log in to use this feature. Otherwise, SIGN UP HERE!
ChargebackPrevention.Com makes it easier than ever to reduce fraud by implementing the knowledge found in our merchant tutorials. Additionally, by matching names and other information submitted to you on suspicious order forms against the records logged in our fraud prevention database, you can avoid processing a bad transaction before its too late! Whenever you're not 100% sure about the validity of a particular transaction, compare your order records with the notes in our database! Remember!: Members of ChargebackPrevention.Com can search our fraud records.. 24 hours a day!